
Cisco are helping to create a digital society that works for everyone.

Our customers find a safe pair of hands to guide them through the world of IT.

Cisco helps seize the opportunities of tomorrow by proving that amazing things can happen when you connect the unconnected. An integral part of their DNA is creating long-lasting customer partnerships, working together to identify our customers' needs and provide solutions that fuel their success.

They have preserved this keen focus on solving business challenges since our founding in 1984. Len Bosack and wife Sandy Lerner, both working for Stanford University, wanted to email each other from their respective offices, but technological shortcomings did not allow such communication. A technology had to be invented to deal with disparate local area protocols, and as a result of solving their challenge, the multiprotocol router was born.

Interested in what more we can offer?

Faster Britain Fibre Broadband

Join the future proof fibre revolution with the Faster Britain network
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Invest in equipment that reflects your business needs, at a cost that suits you.
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With a wide array of experts on hand, we can give you the support you need to enjoy complete peace of mind regarding your business security.
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Our expert team is experienced in designing compute and storage solutions, wired and wireless networks, as well as building private clouds.
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We have the experience, the resources and the expert knowledge of products, technologies and services to help you implement solutions.
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Internet connectivity is the backbone to any modern day business and as your business grows so does the internet demand.
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Helpdesk & Support

Want to bolster the capabilities of your IT team? Or wish to outsource your IT and helpdesk function altogether?
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