Our IT Services

It's our business to make your business better.

We have full range of services and we are equipped to support for all business IT needs.
The depth of experience and varied client base means our problem solving and solution finding is industry leading.

Browse our services below, please get in touch if you have any questions

IT that solves problems, we get IT done.

fast fibre broadband

Without connectivity your business can't work. We'll find the best solution and set up for your needs.

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helpdesk and support
IT Support & Helpdesk

IT tickets and support off your plate and over to us to fix. We can help your efficiencies and productivity.

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security full time

Enjoy piece of mind with our cyber security solutions, allowing you to get on with your day to day.

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IT Infrastructure
IT Infrastructure

Our experience in designing solutions for storage, computing, wired and wireless networks can elevate your businesses IT position.

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IT Procurement

Is your IT equipment right?  what are your business needs? Make the right choice at the right cost. We tailor things to suit you.

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IT Consultancy Service
IT Consultancy

Our expert IT insights, resources and technologies with out the full-time commitment of the staffing cost.

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cloud services

We can ensure cloud systems are seamlessly part of your day-to-day operations.

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Faster Britain Fibre

Faster Britain Networks cover a range of towns and cities across the UK. We can connect you to this leading business fibre broadband network.
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CTO Service

Hiring a full time CTO might be out of reach, we can provide CTO as a service for those projects where you need it.

Click here to learn more

What do our clients say about us?

“Ten Twenty Four are our IT department, they are extremely responsive, agile and a valuable part of the team.”

Managing Director - EVG